Cara merawat miss V

by Oko Developer

Health & Fitness


This application contains how to care for Miss V to be healthy and fit.Caring for and maintaining the health of Miss V can be done in an easy way. This is important to do to prevent infection and discomfort in the female sex organs.Miss V actually has a mechanism to clean itself by removing vaginal fluids. This vaginal discharge is known as vaginal discharge. Leucorrhoea is a normal thing to happen as long as the amount is normal, does not smell, is clear or slightly white in color, and is not accompanied by complaints of itching or pain in the vagina.Disclaimer :All content in this application is not our trademark content. we only get All content from web search engines. The copyright of all content is fully owned by the creators. If you are the owner or holder of this copyright, there is an unpleasant application that is displayed in the application, please contact the developer so we are ready to withdraw your content from our application.Developers only aim to provide applications that are entertainment and share knowledge.Regards,